Audience recipes & templates

This article outlines the steps necessary to start building an Audience using a Recipe. As well as saving an Audience as a template and reusing it down to define your future audiences in one click.

Creating a New Audience using a Recipe

Select Audiences from the left rail of your Flywheel home screen. Click New Audience on the top right.


Give your Audience a name, then select Build with a recipe in the middle of the page, then select the recipe you would like to use.

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Add any additional filters to further narrow down your audience segmentation.

If you would like to save your modifications to the recipe as a template for use in the future, click the dropdown next to Export audience and select Save as new template.


Your saves template will be available the next time you want to build an audience using a recipe. However they’ll be under the template tab as shown below.


If you experience any issues with recipes and templates, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we’ll be in touch shortly to help resolve the matter!