Set Up Dataset Groups

Learn how to setup a Dataset Group in GrowthLoop

In this article, you'll configure your first Dataset Group in GrowthLoop.

What is a Dataset Group?

Dataset Groups are a way to group a set of tables or models in GrowthLoop. This becomes very useful for building audiences and journeys. For example, you may have a customers table associated with a purchases table based on customer_id. You can add both the customers table and purchases table to the same Dataset Group in GrowthLoop so they can both be used together when creating audiences or journeys.

dataset group diagram

Each time a user on your team creates an audience or journey they will be asked what Dataset Group they would like to use. Once they select a Dataset Group, they can use all the data within those tables while building their audience.

dataset group selection

Many customers create Dataset Groups for each line of business. For example, they may have a Dataset Group for B2B Customers that has Accounts and Purchases table. Separately, they may have a Dataset Group for Consumer Customers that has a Customers and Events table. Administrators can then select who within your team has access to build audiences or journeys on each of the Dataset Groups

Create Dataset Group

  1. Navigate to Datasets in the left menu rail
  2. You can see all Dataset Groups your team has created
  3. Select New Dataset Group

Configure Dataset

  1. Group Name: This is the name of your Dataset Group that will be visible to other users on your team. Every time a teammate creates a new audience or journey they will be able to select Dataset Group and will see this name. We recommend putting in a name others in your organization will recognize.

  2. Group Description: Insert a group description so others on your team will know what area of your business this Dataset Group is most useful for when creating Audiences and Journeys.

  3. Select Primary Dataset: Select a Dataset that will serve as your Primary dataset. This is typically a users or customers dataset that you are planning to building audiences with and export.

  4. Configure Personalizations (Optional): Select fields from your Primary Dataset that you want to have as default personalization fields for every audience and journey created using this Dataset Group. This is just a simple way to make it easy for users to include specific fields when exporting an audience.

  1. Click Create

Add Datasets to Dataset Group

  1. Navigate to the dataset you want to join
  2. Open up the dataset and scroll to the bottom (the joins section)
  3. Establish a new join config to the desired dataset group.
add dataset join configuration

Building audiences with your new Dataset Group

  1. Select Audiences in left menu rail
  2. Select New Audience
  3. Select your new Dataset Group
  1. Select Start with the Basics
  2. Build your audience!
build audience


Your dataset group is now configured in GrowthLoop

Your dataset group can now be used to create:

  • Audiences: Must add your dataset to a specific Dataset Group
  • Journeys Must add your dataset to a specific Dataset Group

Experiencing any issues with GrowthLoop? Reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll be in touch shortly!

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