Marketo Sync

In this guide, we will show you how to send leads and custom object data to your Marketo account. Let’s get started!

Connecting to Marketo

To enable a GrowthLoop sync with Marketo, you must first set up Marketo as a destination. Please refer to our Marketo Destination article for a step-by-step guide if you haven’t done this already.

Syncing data to Marketo

You can insert or update leads and custom objects to Marketo from GrowthLoop.

  1. To start, go to the Syncs tab on the left sidebar and click Create Sync in the top right corner.

    Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 12.58.14 PM.png
  2. Clicking Create Sync will require you to select/insert the following information:

    Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 12.58.51 PM.png
  • Route Name: A friendly name for the sync route.

  • Sync Freq: The default frequency for syncing records to a destination.

  • Update Rule: The default operation for syncing records to a destination. “Update only” changes existing data, “Insert only” inserts new data, and “Insert or update” is a hybrid action that adds new data if it's not already present or updates it if it is.

  • Source: The table that holds your data for each lead or custom object.

  • Unique Field: The column that contains values that are distinct for each user in the table.

  • Match Field: The column used to match and identify users from your source table in the destination system.

  • Connection: The destination you will sync conversion data to. Please select Marketo.

  • Object Type: The object type that you want to track and send for insertions and or updates. Note that custom object types should be created in Marketo first.

  • Match Field: The column used to match and identify users from the destination system in your source table.

    Once you finish selecting and inserting the required fields, click Save Route.
    Screenshot 2024-03-20 at 1.00.51 PM.png

  1. Now it’s time to add the field mappings to enable your sync route. Note that Marketo does not have a required set of fields to include for lead object syncs. You can find a list of Marketo standard fields in the Marketo API documentation.

  2. To map the fields, select the column that represents the desired data field from the drop-down under Source.

    1. Under the Destination section, select the equivalent Marketo field name from the drop-down.

    2. Click Add Mapping to include a new Source -> Destination row underneath.

  3. Finally, click the toggle at the top of the page to enable the sync!

  4. Congratulations - you have successfully created a sync to Marketo!

Experiencing any issues? Reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll be in touch shortly!