Ingest Data Sources

Empower your organization to ingest customer data directly from popular sources (eg, Salesforce) to your Data Cloud and immediately activate them across your marketing channels.

Currently supported sources


  1. Facebook ads
  2. Google Ads
  3. The TradeDesk


  1. Salesforce CRM


  1. Pardot
  2. Salesforce Marketing Cloud
  3. Sailthru
  4. Braze
  5. Iterable

How to leverage Easy Button to get up and running with GrowthLoop Fast

Easy Button empowers organizations to ingest data from popular sources directly into your Data Cloud and immediately activate it across all channels. It sets up a data sync from source to GrowthLoop, instantiates data models to make the raw source data usable, and connects the desired datasets to the GrowthLoop app for immediate use in building and exporting audiences.

Estimated time to set up: <15 minutes

What data sources are available in Easy Button today?

Easy Button supports ingestion and modeling of Salesforce CRM data.

GrowthLoop can support any of the 300+ sources found here:

To request a new source, please reach out to your Solution Architect at [email protected].

Setting up Easy Button

EasyButton allows you to start ingesting data with a click of a few buttons. Let's walk through setting up a new organization and then using Easy Button to ingest Salesforce data.

During organization setup

0. Skip dataset setup

After connecting your data warehouse, use the lefthand menu to select ‘Sources’ from the ‘Data Configuration’ option:


Once organization has been set up

Once you are in the organization after onboarding we are ready to setup our sources.

1. Navigate to “Ingest” near the bottom of sidebar

sources menu

2. Click “New Ingest Connection” in the upper right of the Sources page

new source

3. In this example, we will be ingesting Salesforce CRM data. Click “Add Salesforce CRM”. We are adding new sources regularly.

salesforce source

You will be redirected to Fivetran.

4. On the Fivetran page, click “Continue”

fivetran authentication

Refer to the Setup Guide provided by Fivetran for more info.

5. Click “Authorize”

fivetran authorize

You will be redirected to a Salesforce login modal.

6. Log into Salesforce to verify your account

sources salesforce login

You will be returned to Fivetran.

7. Click “Save & Test” after you see the green “Authentication Succeeded” message.


If you do not see “Authentication Succeeded”, then likely there was an error with your credentials. Try again, and if that doesn’t work, submit a support ticket.

You will be returned to GrowthLoop.

8. Give your Salesforce source a name and select desired sync frequency from the dropdown menu, then click “Create”


9. You will see the status listed as “Processing” as your Salesforce source (named “My SF Source” below) syncs to your data warehouse

sources list

Once you see the status as “Active”, this indicates the raw data has been synced to your data warehouse

The raw dataset will be called raw_salesforce_import_{x} where x is the number of the source that has been set up. In this case, since it was the latest source set up, it is raw_salesforce_import_6.

10. Setup a Dataset and connect your new source tables to begin using them to create audiences.

sources dataset setup

For more information or to provide feedback to the team, please reach out to [email protected]. We can’t wait to hear from you!