
Learn how to set up a Databricks source connection

GrowthLoop Audience Platform connects directly to Databricks so you can leverage the customer data in your data lake to create audiences with just a few clicks.

To establish the connection to Databricks, here are the key steps we will walk through together.

  1. Creating a private access token
  2. Finding your connection metadata
  3. Providing your connection metadata and private access token to the GrowthLoop app

Creating a Private Access Token

Navigate to the Admin Settings page in the top right of your Databricks console.


Navigate to the Developer tab and click manage on Access tokens


Hit the Generate button to create a new token and copy it in a file as we'll need this later on.


Finding your connection metadata

Now you can navigate to SQL Warehouses on Databricks and select the warehouse you'd like to connect to.


Navigate to the Connection details tab and copy both the

  • Server hostname
  • and HTTP path

values into a file, which we'll use in the next step.

Make sure you click the Start button in the top-right in case your Databricks warehouse is not running.


Providing your connection metadata and private access token to the GrowthLoop app

Once you log into your GrowthLoop account, provide the industry you belong to and agree to the terms & conditions to move ahead.

Pick Databricks as your data warehouse

Provide the following details:

  • Name -- Anything you'd like to call this source connection
  • Description -- Details on the source connection
  • Catalog -- The name of the catalog in Databricks that you want to connect to by default
  • Hostname -- Copied previous step
  • HTTP Path -- Copied previous step
  • Access Token -- Copied previous step

Note -- If your connection failed in the first try (after a few minutes), give it one more try before you contact our team. This is usually because the first attempt tries to wake up your Databricks ware house.

You're now ready to build your first dataset in GrowthLoop.

Try choosing your Dataset and Table from the drop-downs and give your Table alias & description some details, while defining your unique key.

You can choose which fields from your data you'd like to always be available when building any future audiences from this dataset (eg, total_credit_amount)

On the next step you should provide the retention as well as catalog to store your audience snapshots at.

You're all set up to build your first audience now: