
Learn how to create Syncs for Iterable

Welcome to the Iterable Sync setup article! In this guide, we'll walk you through how to route signals from your data warehouse to user profiles or event properties within Iterable. Let's dive in and get started!


To set up Syncs in Iterable, ensure you have an active Iterable account and have configured it as a destination. Click here to learn how.

Routing conversion signals to the destination

  1. Go to the Signals tab on the left sidebar and click New Signal Route in the top right corner.

  2. Clicking Create Signal Route will require you to select/insert the following information:

    1. Route Name: A friendly name for the signal route.

    2. Sync frequency: The default frequency for syncing signals to a destination.

    3. Update Rule: The default operation for syncing signals to a destination. Syncing to the Users object supports insert, update, and upsert operations, while syncing to the Event object supports only the insert operation.

    4. Source: The table that contains your data. If you're routing conversion data, it's typically organized within an events table; if it's user data you're routing, it's usually in a user table.

    5. Match Field: The column used to match and identify users from your source table in the destination system.

    6. Unique Field: The column that contains values that are distinct for each user in the table.

    7. Connection: The destination you will sync data to. Please select the destination you set above.

    8. Object Type: The object you'll sync data to depends on your purpose. Choose User to route information about individual user attributes and behavior, or select Event for routing conversion events.

    9. Unique Field: The column used to match and identify users from the destination system in your source table.

  3. Once you finish selecting/inserting the required fields, click Save Route.

  4. Next, let's set up the field mappings to activate your signal route. The fields you need to map will vary based on the object you're sending data to. Check out the details below:

    1. Events:
      1. Event Name: A distinct identifier for a specific customer action, which can be either a standard event like “Subscribe” or custom event.
      2. Email: The email linked to the user's profile where you're writing the data, or...
      3. User ID: The ID that identifies a user profile in Iterable.
    2. User:
      1. Email: The email linked to the user's profile where you're writing the data, or...
      2. User ID: The ID that identifies a user profile in Iterable
  5. In this example, we're syncing conversions to the Event object. To map the necessary fields, choose the column that corresponds to the Event Name from the dropdown menu under Source.

  1. Under the Destination section, select Event Name from the drop-down.

  1. Click Add Mapping to include a new Source -> Destination row underneath.

  1. Choose Email from the source drop-down to map the remaining required field.


  1. After mapping all the fields, clicking Update Route will prompt you with the following two options:
    1. Updates Only: We recommend you go with the this option, especially if you’re setting up the signal for the first time.
    2. Back-fill: This option is when you are updating an existing Signal Route with newly mapped fields and you’d like all your already synced events to have those fields backfilled for them. This operation can be very expensive and time consuming on your underlying Data Warehouse, so please choose that option if you’re absolutely sure.

  1. Finally, click the toggle to enable the sync.

Congratulations, you have successfully created a signal sync to Iterable!

Experiencing any issues routing signals to Iterable? Reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll be in touch shortly!