Modify a Journey

In this article, you'll learn how to modify journeys before and after publish

As you build out marketing and sales journey sequences with your team members it can be an iterative process. This means you'll frequently be modifying your journeys both prior to publishing and after publishing them.

Modify a Journey Draft

  • From the Home Screen, click on "Journeys" in the left-hand menu.
  • You will now see a list of your journeys
  • Click on a journey in Draft status you would like to modify to be taken to the journey canvas.
  • Since the journey is in Draft status and has not been published:
    • You are able to modify:
      • Settings
        • Start time
        • End time
        • Frequency
        • Re-Entry
        • Global Exit Node
        • Entry Audience
      • Criteria Nodes
      • Variation Nodes
      • Destination Nodes
      • Delay Nodes
    • You are able to add or delete:
      • Any node type to canvas
  • Once you have modified your journey, you can click "Save" on the right side of the journey title bar.

Turn a Successful Published Journey test into an Always On Journey

Often times customers will start by publishing a journey and having it run through one time for members of an audience and then analyze the results. If the journey is successful, you can make this journey an always-on program easily within GrowthLoop.

  • From the Home Screen, click on "Journeys" in the left-hand menu.
  • You will now see a list of your journeys
  • Click on a "One Time" journey in Published status you would like to make an "Always On" journey
  • Click on the "Settings" tab in the journey top menu
  • Click the "Journey Schedule" dropdown in the "Journey Settings" card.
  • Select "Always On". This will turn your journey into an ongoing journey so new qualifying users can continuously enter the program.
  • Click "Save" on the right side of the journey title bar.
  • Click "Confirm" in the publish confirmation notice.

Prevent users from Re-Entering a Published Journey

Once a journey has been published, you may change your mind on whether you want users to be able to re-enter the journey in the future. To accomplish this, you can modify your Re-Entry criteria.

  • From the Home Screen, click on "Journeys" in the left-hand menu.
  • You will now see a list of your journeys
  • Click on any journey with Published status.
  • Click on the "Settings" tab in the journey top menu
  • Navigate to "Additional Settings" card
  • Under "Can users re-enter journey?", click "No".
  • Click "Save" on the right side of the journey title bar.
  • Click "Confirm" in the publish confirmation notice.
  • Users who have completed the journey will no longer be allowed to re-enter this published journey even if they qualify to do so according to the entry criteria.

Allow users to Re-Enter a Published Journey

Once a journey has been published, you may decide you want users to be able to re-enter the journey again after a certain period of time. To accomplish this, you can modify your Re-Entry criteria.

  • From the Home Screen, click on "Journeys" in the left-hand menu.
  • You will now see a list of your journeys
  • Click on any journey with Published status.
  • Click on the "Settings" tab in the journey top menu
  • Navigate to "Additional Settings" card
  • Under "Can users re-enter journey?" click "Yes."
  • Specify the "Re-Entry Delay" required.
    • This is the time a user must wait from when the user exited the journey to when they are allowed to re-enter the journey again.
    • Select days, hours, weeks, and minutes from the dropdown.
    • Insert the amount of time as an integer you would like to ensure users wait to re-enter the journey.
    • Note: If a user qualifies to re-enter the journey and your "Re-Entry Delay" has not been met, they will not enter the journey. The user must wait until they qualify to enter the journey and the "Re-Entry Delay" is satisfied.
  • Click "Save" on the right side of the journey title bar.
  • Click "Confirm" in the publish confirmation notice.
  • Users who have completed the journey will now be able to re-enter the journey again.

Modify a Journey after Publish

In certain cases, you may want to modify your journey after it has been published. Typically, it is a best practice to copy your journey, make the changes, and publish the new journey. However, sometimes you just need to modify the current journey you have in place.

  • From the Home Screen, click on "Journeys" in the left-hand menu.
  • You will now see a list of your journeys
  • Click on a journey in Published status you would like to modify to be taken to the journey canvas.
  • Since the journey has been published, you can modify it with a certain set of interactions.
    • Settings
      • Start time: You can modify the start time if it has not already passed.
      • End time: You can extend the end time of the journey.
      • Frequency: You can change journeys from "one time" to "always on" or "recurring scheduled"
      • Re-Entry: You can modify if a journey allows re-entry or not. And the time a user must wait to re-enter a journey.
    • Criteria Nodes: To modify a criteria node:
      • Click the ellipsis (...) on the right-hand side of the node.
      • Click "Settings."
      • Modify criteria in the canvas.
      • Click "Save" on the right side of the journey title bar.
      • Click "Confirm" in the publish confirmation notice.
    • Delay Nodes
      • Click the ellipsis (...) on the right-hand side of the node.
      • Click "Settings."
      • Modify any settings of the delay node.
      • Click "Save" on the right side of the journey title bar.
      • Click "Confirm" in the publish confirmation notice.
    • Destination Nodes: Destination nodes are not currently modifiable for published journeys. If you would like to change a destination, you can copy your journey, change any destination node, and re-publish.


What happens after Re-Publish

It is important to note, that any journeys modified after publish will be re-published. This means that if specific nodes are modified will be applied to new users that enter the journey and users currently in the journey that have not reached that node yet.

Have any questions about modifying your journeys? Reach out to us at