Storage (Bring your own Bucket)

Learn how to leverage your own storage buckets for exports.

The GrowthLoop platform stores some data in storage buckets to route data to the marketing platform or power other features like debug logs. Your team has control over whether you choose to use a GrowthLoop-managed storage bucket or bring your bucket (BYOB).

What data is stored?

GrowthLoop only temporarily stages audience or segment membership into a staging storage bucket to allow our export service to sync the members to various marketing platforms. After routing this data is deleted, and these buckets also have a TTL of 7 days.

Bring your own bucket

Your team can decide to store all at-rest data in a private bucket managed within your own GCP/AWS infrastructure. Currently, we support both:

  • Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
  • S3 (AWS)

Amazon S3

To setup S3 as your storage bucket follow these steps:

  • Create a new S3 bucket in your AWS account
    • Make sure to block public access
    • Setup a TTL time of your choice to enhance security
  • Create a new access key and secret with access to that bucket.
s3:GetObjectPermission to retrieve objects
s3:PutObjectPermission to add object to bucket
s3:ListBucketPermission to list some or all objects

Google Cloud Storage

To set GCS as your storage bucket follow these steps:

  • Create a new GCS bucket in your account.
    • Make sure to block public access
    • Setup a TTL time of your choice to enhance security
  • Create a service account for a user with the following permissions:
storage.objects.listList objects in a bucket
storage.objects.createCreate objects in a bucket
storage.objects.getGet objects in a bucket
storage.buckets.getGet metadata on a bucket

Setup Bucket

Once you have your bucket ready along with the correct credentials head over to the Organizations tab in the GrowthLoop application.

Select your bucket platform and provide the necessary credentials then hit save. That's it! Our platform will now use your secure bucket for any staging of data.

If you experience any issues or have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we’ll be in touch shortly!