Source Connection Management

Learn how to manage source connections for your organization

In this article, you'll learn how to setup and manage source connections to your data clouds and how to use them in different teams. Source Connections are the connection credentials to your Data Cloud. They can be used to allow different teams to create audiences and journeys on different data cloud sources directly from the GrowthLoop Platform.

Common Use Patterns

The ability to have different source connections to your data cloud projects gives you immense flexibility to enable your marketer teams to complete their tasks, while providing them with only the data they need access to, while maintaining strict privacy and security patterns.

For example, companies often have different marketing teams servicing specific products and customer bases. For instance, you may have a team (team 1) focused on your "consumer" customers, and another team (team 2) focused on "business. In this case you may have information on both consumers and businesses in the same data cloud. However, you don't want to get all members of these teams access to data they do not need. A common setup is to create two source connections as follows:

  • Source Connection 1: Connect to data cloud consumer and ensure the credentials only provide access to consumer customer data.
  • Source Connection 2: Connect to data cloud business and ensure the credentials only provide access to business customer data.
  • In GrowthLoop, you can then provide team 1 with only the ability to create audiences and journeys based on Source Connection 1.
  • In addition, you can provide team 2 with only the ability to create audiences and journeys based on Source Connection 2.
Source Connection Explanation Diagram

View your Source Connections

  • The first step is locating your Source Connections in the GrowthLoop platform.
  • Navigate to the Organization management panel on the left menu rail. Note, you must have administrator privileges to do this. If you don't see the Settings section in left menu , it means your Organization administrator has not give you those permissions. You should contact them to add this permission for you.
Click on Organization under Settings

Click on Organization under Settings

  • On the Organizations Management Panel, click on the Source Connections tab.
Source Connection Navigation
  • Here you can view your Source Connections.
View your Source Connections

View your Source Connections

Create new Source Connection

  • Create a new Source Connection from the Source Connection tab on the Organization Management Panel by clicking the button New Source Connection
  • Select your Data Cloud
Choose Data Cloud to Connect
  • Insert credentials and wait for validation. We'll let you know if there are any missing permissions to the credentials you provide.
Validate Source Connection
  • Congratulations, you can now see your newly created Source Connection on the Source Connection tab.
View New Source Connection


Source Connection Access

By default your new Source Connection is available to all Teams in your organization. If you'd like to ensure the Source Connection is only usable by specific teams, see how to assign it to teams below.

Provide Teams Access to a specific Source Connection

You can restrict access to a Source Connection by assigning it to be used by specific Teams within GrowthLoop. Here is how:

  • Navigate to the Source Connection tab on the Organization Management Panel
  • Click the Source Connection row in the table where you would like to assign teams.
  • Under "Select teams" section you will see Teams are already selected. You can modify which teams have access to this Source Connection by deselecting and selecting specific teams.
  • Click Save.
  • Congratulations, you've restricted who has access to this Source Connection

Refresh a Source Connection

GrowthLoop automatically updates your Source Connection schemas every day. This means, any new fields for configured datasets will appear automatically for filtering when creating audiences and journeys. It also means, that any new tables will be added so your teams can configure them in a Dataset Group to be used in audiences and journeys. But, what if you want to have your source connection refreshed this instant? You can refresh schema in GrowthLoop.

  • Navigate to the Source Connection tab on the Organization Management Panel
  • Scroll to Last Schema Refresh column.
  • You can view when exactly your Last Schema Refresh occurred.
  • Click the "Refresh" icon to refresh your schema immediately.
  • This will update all field and table changes for your Source Connection and will make new fields available to your marketers if there is a Dataset Group already setup for audience and journey building. It will also make new tables available on the Dataset Group page so you can include them in audience and journey building.
  • Note: Schema refresh can take up to 15 minutes depending on the size of your schema. You will see updates in the Source Connections table when it is finished.

For more information or to provide feedback to the team, please reach out to We can’t wait to hear from you!

What’s Next

Connect your data cloud to GrowthLoop